Mike's Space

Moving on pt2

I handed in my notice this morning at work as I've accepted a job offer as a design engineer based in Leamington (walking distance from my house)

It was my second attempt at handing in my notice as when I tried last week I was asked to reconsider and put together a proposal of what it would take to persuade me to stay. They came up with a counter offer, however after re-considering the options the decision has now been made and I'm off!

Still need to work out finish and start dates but it's likely I'll be at the new place around the start of June.

5 Responses to “Moving on pt2”

  1. # Blogger Chris John

    Nice one mate.  

  2. # Blogger Mike Young

    Update: I finish at Norgren on Fri 11th May. Trying to decide whether to take 2 or 3 weeks off before starting at Parker, and what I'd do in that time if I did...  

  3. # Blogger AnnaP

    good news, Mike. Take three weeks off and do something you could never do in a two week holiday!

  4. # Blogger Mel

    Yay! Nice one Mr Young. How does it feel to be in demand? I'm with Ann, take the 3 weeks - you'll regret it if you don't. Youc an come and visit us if you get bored!  

  5. # Blogger Martin

    Cool, hope you like the new place, and the short commute. Three weeks sounds nice, but then again if you take it all, make sure you make the most of it.  

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