Mike's Space

All Things Yellow

Well, I've been talking about it for a while, but yesterday I finally bought a van. It's a VW Transporter 2.5 TDI 102 bhp ex-AA van - complete with loads of the cool AA equipment that was fitted to these vans (except the beacons and AA livery have been removed) It's had 16" alloys fitted, the suspension has been lowered and the dark green stripe along the bottom of all AA vans has been painted black. I'm going to keep a blog diary of all the work I do on it here

I am outta here!

Well it's my last day at Norgren tomorrow and I don't start at Parker until 6th June. On Monday I'm flying out to Kenya for just over two weeks to visit my sister who is working for A Rocha out there. Am really looking forward to getting away from everything for a while and having a bit of a break.

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