They've proposed a date of 11th May for when they're going to start closing the site where I work (was on Midlands Today the other night) so it now looks inevitable that all 200 or so people who work here will have to start looking for new jobs over the next few months. I've got no idea what I'm going to do at the moment (I am open to offers!) but I recently heard a really interesting thing that Mother Teresa once said...
John Kavanaugh met Mother Teresa. She asked him, “What can I do for you?” He paused to think and then asked that she pray for him. “What do you want me to pray for?” she asked. “Pray," he said, "that I have clarity.” Her abrupt response took him aback. “No," she told him, "I will not do that.” When he asked why not, she told him, “Clarity is the last thing you are clinging to and must let go of.” When Mr. Kavanaugh observed that she seemed to have the kind of clarity he wanted, she laughed out loud and told him, “I have never had clarity; what I have always had is trust. So I will pray that you trust God.”
Clarity would be great - but sometimes I think we just have to learn to trust...
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