Mike's Space

"We come ONE!"

Went to see Faithless at the NIA in Birmingham last night... Oh my goodness - what a wicked night! I think Maxi Jazz is officially one of the coolest guys around. The sound (L-Acoustics V-Dosc line-array system I think), visuals and lighting were also fantastic ;)

Nth Fest

Things are crazy busy at the moment what with band stuff, church stuff and interviews (shh - don't tell my boss though!)

One Nation played at Nth Fest down in Yeovil last weekend - I went to the first one last year and thought it was great so this time made a point of being there for the entire 12 hours (was absolutely knackered when the time came to drive home again).

Our set seemed to go down pretty well which was cool seeing as nearly all the other bands were guitar-based rock bands and so the crowd weren't necessarily into funk!

Feelin' poor

Why do things come round all at once? I bought some cool new lights off eBay last week then found out my car needed £700 spent on it to get it through it's 90k service and MOT plus another £380 for insurance renewal (and £170 for tax next month), then one of my BSS FDS-360 crossovers decided to die at our gig on Tuesday night :(
I haven't had a chance to examine it yet, but the fact that every single LED instantly lit up like a Christmas tree when we turned it on, told me it definitely was not very happy. I had to do a bit of lateral thinking and re-patched the PA rig, using the 01V's low and high pass filters and run the bass bin off an aux send for the gig. This actually sounded pretty good so I doubt any one would have noticed. Now I've got to decide whether it's worth getting it repaired, replace it with another FDS-360 or perhaps (he says with a little glint in his eye) once my bank balance has a chance to recover, upgrade to something like driverack? :)

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