Mike's Space


My lovely Sennheiser MD421 microphone is officially dead! We noticed that it sounded a bit funny at the gig last weekend and swapped it for something else (at first I blamed the guitarist's knackerd Peavey guitar amp), but I tested it properly last night and as soon as you put it anywhere near something that's producing noise at any more than a moderate volume it just distorts and produces a farting noise :(

Why is it that my most expensive mic (and the one that's meant to be the most robust) is the first one to break?

However, do not fear, all is not lost (yet). I'm going to be giving it to the lovely men at Manor Electronics to see if they can work their magic and restore it to its former health... I for one will be keeping a bedside vigil throughout the operation!

4 Responses to “R.I.P.”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Condolences on your loss! I like the pic of you sitting on the PA!  

  2. # Blogger Mike Young

    Thanks for your comment Dave - Guess you'd need a slightly wider angle lens to get a similar photo of you sitting on top of all your gear! Hope you're enjoying your visit to the UK  

  3. # Blogger Martin

    What is that mic used for? just guitar amps, or acoustic instruments and/or vocals?  

  4. # Blogger Mike Young

    Google "MD421" - it's pretty much used for anything - live or in the studio. It actually started off life as a mic for speech in broadcast situations but its ability to withstand high SPLs means you often find them inside kick drums, on toms, percussion, guitar cabs, brass etc etc  

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